
Health and technology have always compelled us as a species. Whether it’s a dermal regenerator in Star Trek or real-life news of the latest breakthrough in cancer treatment, we are moved by the idea that, one day, we’ll overcome the things that cause us so much pain. 

The Vital team wants to harness that idea to make “one day” come a little bit sooner. 

Vital featurse short stories exploring the future of medicine and health. Proceeds from the anthology will support the World Health Organization’s That’s why net proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the United Nations Foundation’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.*

Who Benefits?

The COVID 19 pandemic is the must urgent medical challenge facing the world today. The World Health Organization plays a central role in the worldwide work to control the disease. They coordinate and support the work of many organizations globally. And in the middle of this struggle, their largest source of funding may be in jeopardy.

That’s why net proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the United Nations Foundation’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization.*

What is Kickstarter?

Kickstarter is a platform for funding creative projects, like books, music, film or short story anthologies. People pledge certain amounts to support a project and are only charged if the project meets its funding goal. Backers received benefits, such as an early copy of the book.

The project successfully funded, garnering 115% of the fundraising goal! The book was published on December 31, 2021, and is now available for purchase.

* The World Health Organization is not affiliated with nor does it endorse this project.