Tag Archives: in the media

StarShipSofa Podcast

RM Ambrose/ November 13, 2019/ Uncategorized

Tony C. Smith talked up the anthology on the latest episode of StarShipSofa! Check out this great episode with an original story, “In Bocca,” by P.G. Streeter.  Find Episode 612 in your favorite podcast app, or listen online with ACast. Supporters of StarShipSofa get to hear the podcast a day early, and you can help the podcast produce more original

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PodCastle Podcast

RM Ambrose/ November 7, 2019/ Uncategorized

Hear Tina Connolly’s fantastic story, “The Two-Choice Foxtrot of Chapham County” in the November 5 episode of PodCastle. And thanks to our good friends at the podcast for plugging the anthology in the episode’s opening!

Inlandia Institute to support this project

RM Ambrose/ October 27, 2019/ Uncategorized

In today’s Press Enterprise, Cati Porter shares the news that Inlandia Institute, the non-profit organization where she is Executive Director, will provide assistance with publishing Vital: The Future of Healthcare.

Escape Pod Podcast

RM Ambrose/ October 24, 2019/ Uncategorized

In the October 24 episode of Escape Pod, catch Keyen Bowes’s excellent story, “Light and Death on the Indian Battle Station.” We appreciate the Escape Pod editors for mentioning this anthology at the end of the podcast. Back in the late 00’s, Escape Pod was one of the podcasts that inspired me to pursue a career in short fiction. If

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